
Why Advertise with Us?

  • We have been publishing THE NEWS since 1992 and we are viewed as the place to receive up-to-date information concerning all topics of interest to homeschoolers.
  • Direct circulation via email newsletter is 500 homeschool families.
  • We grant permission to forward all emails.
  • We offer three (3) types of ads: Subscriber Ads, Business Ads, and Business Directory Ads.

Subscriber Ads

These are basically free classified ads for our subscribers who want to give away or sell unwanted items for some extra cash. Subscribers may post an item twice. The first time with the price you are asking and the second time with a reduced price. We restrict your items to two postings to keep our list from getting too long. Subscriber Ads MUST be turned in by Wednesday at 8 p.m. Please send them via email. If you want to include photos, they need to be in the body of the email and not sent as an attachment.

If your item is an income-producing product or service, please consider placing a business ad with us. We have low fees and effective results.

Business Ads

Email Ads

Email Ads may be placed for $20 and are posted at the time of your choosing. These ads are limited to what would normally fit on an 8 ½” x 11″ sheet of paper and cannot include attachments. E-mail and website hyperlinks are welcome. Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word or JPEG files are best.

Send via Email to:
Linda Duntley
These ads are posted within 12 hours of payment which can be made via Postal mail or via PayPal.
(Click here –> Email Ad )

Print Ads

Ads may also be placed in the printed version of THE NEWS. These ads are due by the 20th of each month. They must be sized correctly and camera ready or the fee is double for additional artwork and sizing.

Ad Sizes are as Follows:

1/2 Page ( 5″ x 7.5″) – Includes complimentary Email Ad: $40.00
(Click here –> Half Page Ad )

Full Page (7.5″x10″) – Includes complimentary Email Ad and Facebook Ad: $80.00
(Click here –> Full Page Ad )

Again, these ads are due by the 20th of the month.

All payments sent via postal mail should be addressed to:

Linda Duntley/THE NEWS
P.O. Box 813
Glenpool, OK 74033

Thank you for being a T.H.E. Homeschooler!